Functional Neuromarkers,
QEEG and Event Related Potentials
in the clinical practice of Mental Health
2017 Introductory and Advanced workshops with a world renowned neuroscientist Prof. Juri Kropotov in Australia
Prof. Juri Kropotov has recently published his new book "Functional Neuromarkers for Psychiatry". This is a seminal text on using Neuromarkers for a more precise assessment of brain function and information processing.
Prof. Kropotov is coming to Australia in April this year to provide more training in using Neuromarkers in the clinical practice of Mental health with an introductory and advanced workshops aimed to assist Australian mental health clinicians and researches to learn new tools for precise measurements of brain function and cognition. If you are interested to learn from this veteran neuroscientist please register now at the Early bird rates for the following workshops.
Read more about Prof. Juri Kropotov: Prof. Yury Kropotov
Download the detailed brochure:_________________________________________________________________________
2-Day Introductory Workshop
Application of functional neuromarkersin diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of psychiatric conditions
Dates: 26-27th of April 2017
Location Tweed Heads
This workshop is for practitioners who are seeking to gain more insights into Functional Neuromarkers in clinical practice and how more precise measurements of brain function can support the clinical decision making in brain based mental health practice.
Brain based practice is a new paradigm recently emerged in Psychology and Psychiatry that brings together methodologies from neuroscience and clinical science as well as nanotechnologies. This workshop is combined with a technical workshop on QEEG and ERPs recording and analysis. The second day will be a hands-on training for professionals wishing to learn how to record EEG & Event Related Potentials. The workshop provides the opportunity for trainees to learn the basics: from handling equipment to recording a high quality EEG. It is a prerequisite for those who are attending the advanced workshop and haven't had any training in EEG and ERPs yet.
The program details:
Day 1 Introduction to Functional Neuromarkers in Mental Health
- What are functional neuromarkers: fMRI, PET, QEEG, event-related potentials (ERPs).
- Requirements for application in clinical practice.
- Neuromodulation techniques of 21 century: Neurofeedback, tDCS, TMS, DBS.
- Functional neuromarkers in healthy brain: mechanisms and functional meaning.
- QEEG Neuromarkers in ADHD and Alzheimer desease.
- Neuromarkers of sensory processing: schizophrenia, autism.
- Neuromarkers of cognitive control: ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD.
- Application of ERPs for predicting response to psychostimulants in ADHD.
- Application of QEEG and ERPs for constructing protocols of neuromodulation.
- Application of QEEG and ERPs for monitoring the results of treatment
Prof. Juri Kropotov will provide case studies and demonstration how to apply an advanced computerised analysis of brain electric activity to detect physiological abnormalities in resting states and information processing.
Day 2Hand-on EEG recording , software and equipment for collecting EEG and ERPs
- Practice: How to record a good quality EEG and ERP’s
- Participants will learn basics of EEG recording software and hardware, acquire practical skills of recording quality EEG and ERPs by practicing in pairs.
- Methods of EEG recording and montaging
- Recording EEG in resting state
- Recording evoked potentials in behavioural paradigms
- Learning to use EEG data analysis software, including WinEEG a very popular tools for EEG analysis.
- Analysing files from the HBI database & EEG files recorded during the workshop. Artifact correction, automatic spike detection, spectral analysis.
3-day advanced workshop
Functional Neuromarkers in the clinical practice of Mental Health
Dates : 28-30th of April
Location: Tweed Heads:
This workshop is those who already attended introductory courses and familiar with QEEG methodology we are organising a more advanced course in Tweed Heads to further improve skills in QEEG and ERPs analysis and interpretation in the clinical context.
NB! Participants willing to learn EEG and ERPs recording and have their own data available for the analysis during the advanced workshop are welcome to attend our Introductory and technical workshop on the 26-27th of April in Tweed Heads. Please follow the link below to register:
Program details:
Day 1.
Morning. QEEG analysis:
Evening. Learning WinEEG software.
Day 2.
Morning: Analysis of event-related potentials.
Evening. Recording and analyzing ERPs.
Day 3.
Morning. Using QEEG/ERP analysis for constructing protocols of neurotherapy.
Evening. Making a report on QEEG/ERP assessment.
Read what people say about methodology taught by
Prof. Yury Kropotov
“As a veteran researcher of International standing, Professor Yuri Kropotov brings a wealth of integrated knowledge about brain function and signaling to his presentations. His workshops are both theoretically and practically sound and are a “must-do” for clinical practitioners wanting practical markers to assist diagnosis and target treatment response. I also recommend this knowledge as being especially useful for researchers in the field of neuroscience.”
Dr Stephanie Fryer-Williams. Chief Researcher, Mental Health Biomarker Project
"...Thanks for organising the workshop. I thought it was a great to have a presenter of such caliber... Every neuro-therapist needs to understand the tremendous contribution that biomarkers from ERP analysis can add to assessing mental health conditions. As a scientist practitioner I am fascinated by such technologies and it is a rare privilege to be able to be taught by one of the world’s foremost authorities. Having attended several of Yury’s past workshops, I can recommend the value of learning from this master scientist. His workshops are informative, challenging, and as long as you understand Russian humor, funny!”
Dr. Phil Watts, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist (see Dr Watts' website about his expertise:
“Professor Yuri Kropotov is a world research leader into brain electrical fields and the significance of these fields to the understanding and healing of many psychological disorders. Professor Kropotov is well known and highly respected for his recent seminal text on quantitative EEG, event-related potentials and neurotherapy, the first book to comprehensively address such matters. With ongoing cutting edge work, he continues to add importantly to the emerging zeitgeist that is replacing conventional views on the functioning of the mind. His work is essential material for those interested in the field of neurotherapy.”
C. Richard Clark, BA (Hons), PhD, MAPS, BCN, FASSA, Joint Clinical Director, Brain Health Clinics, Professor of Psychology, Flinders University
“Professor Jury Kropotov's unique methodology for the acquisition and analysis of QEEG and ERP data has provided our clinicians with a valuable tool to measure brain functioning in clients and to use this information to plan their treatment and to evaluate treatment outcomes. In addition, having such a powerful methodology for ERP analysis has provided us with the foundation to search for functional neuromarkers for PTSD resulting from refugee trauma. STARTTS is immensely grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Professor Kropotov on the analysis of ERP data collected in our clinical work with refugee clients exposed to torture and trauma. We count ourselves fortunate to learn from a world leader in this field whose expertise continues to inform our clinical work and research.”
Mirjana Askovic, Neurofeedback Program Team Leader, NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors
".. Thank you for giving me the amazing opportunity to study with Prof. Jury Kropotov. For such a towering intellect and eminent figure in his field he made the information surprisingly accessible and enjoyable. I am very grateful to you for the experience..."
Jenny Hardwidge, Pharmacist
“After having attended 3 workshops with Prof. Kropotov I continue to be amazed at his depth of knowledge in the world of neuroscience. His method of QEEG and ERP acquisition and analysis has been extremely useful in both my clinical work and PhD research. Prof. Kropotov has definitely left his mark on the world of EEG biomarkers in psychiatric disorders – attendance at his workshops is a must for anyone interested in objective measurement in psychology and/or EEG-guided neurotherapy”.
Trevor Brown, BA (Hons), PhD Candidate, Director, Positive Brain Training. Neurotherapy, Listen and Learn Centre.
“As a research collaborator, I count myself deeply fortunate to have worked under the guidance of Professor Yury Kropotov, and have benefitted immeasurably from his expert theoretical and technical understanding of the ERP paradigm that he continues to pioneer as a potential tool for measuring neurocognitive functioning. Having participated in two of his multi-day workshops, I then consulted individually with Dr Kropotov, and in three indispensable hours we were able to analyse and interpret data from a complex set of clinical records to deliver significant findings to my organisation. These findings have led to an article currently under peer-review, and the methodological knowledge that I gained through the process was sufficient to enable me to instruct other staff undertaking related analyses”.
Russell Downham, PhD Philosophy, MA Clin. Psych (research thesis)